With the summer season comes a lot of excitement at Superfresh Growers®. Each year, the warm months mean seasonal fruits are being shipped worldwide! With the largest Pacific Northwest cherry program and an ever-growing blueberry season, Superfresh knows how to summer! Recently, Superfresh was joined in their orchards and fields by Team Nosh – a group of online creators specializing in fresh, nutritious, and colorful food for families and kiddos. These social media gurus embarked on a journey of the Pacific Northwest to see where their favorite fruits come from and learn about farming.
Team Nosh poses in Superfresh cherry orchard
Team Nosh captain, Kelly Pfeiffer, has been a long-time partner of Superfresh Growers. Kelly has cherry-picked (😉) this group of influencers who share the same values and vision for feeding their families and eating the rainbow. Team members include Eat the Rainbow Kids, The Carda Mom, Kid Food Explorers, Food Kids Love, Eat Pretty Darling, Hello Little Foodies, and Pure Mom Blog. During their stay, the group tasted red, gold, and blue and gained knowledge to share with their followers.
Kicking off the trip was a tour of the Superfresh Clemens Mountain Orchard led by Quincy Menning, Director of Farm Operations. This 300-acre orchard sits on the Clemens Mountain hillside and provides late-season cherries thanks to its elevation of over 3,500 feet. The touring group enjoyed breathtaking views, sweet and juicy cherries fresh off the tree, and talks on bees and sustainable farming.
Director of Farm Operations, Quincy Menning, shares insider info on sustainable farming.
From the orchard, Team Nosh got to see the Superfresh Growers Zillah cherry line in action! This 48-lane sorter is a site to behold, wowing the team with volume and quality control.
Team Nosh members overlook the spectacular cherry line in Zillah, Washington.
The next day, Team Nosh and their Superfresh hosts traveled to Roseburg, Oregon, where they picked their own blueberries and learned about farming in the Umqua Valley from berry experts Paul Norris and Gage Thompson. The picturesque valley was a content creator’s dream! The tour continued on to a voyage through the chilly packing line. Ellie Norris led the group through the technology and process of bringing blueberries to market.
Paul Norris shares his story of farming blueberries in Roseburg with Kelly and Dana.
Tenille of Pure Mom Blog enjoying the serene task of picking blueberries.
At the end of the day, Team Nosh was enamored with the detail and year-long commitment that is farming summer fruit. Dana from Hello Little Foodies says, "It gave me a newfound appreciation for the hardworking farmers who play such a vital role in bringing top-quality produce to our tables.”
This trip took seven Superfresh Growers fans and turned them into lifelong brand advocates! The power of education and hands-on experiences cannot be undervalued for consumers. By educating Team Nosh on growing practices, they can enact their storytelling abilities to share the Superfresh story with their collective 300,000+ followers. Keep an eye on their pages for exclusive cherry and blueberry recipes. Superfresh Growers looks forward to hosting Team Nosh again for apple and pear harvest this fall!