Recently, Superfresh Growers honored our scholarship recipients at the Washington Apple Education Foundation (WAEF) luncheon. Superfresh Growers prides itself in awarding $25,000 each year to students whose lives have been impacted by the Washington tree fruit industry. The Superfresh Growers Kershaw Companies Scholarships are available to employees and their children, renewable for up to four years of undergraduate studies. The scholarship is available each year to one additional student.
This year, our recipients are sophomore Mauricio Hernandez, junior Denilson Antonio, and senior Nicholas Jacoby. Our newest recipient is freshman Aylin Llamas.
Students Aylin Llamas and Denilson Antonio-Ruiz with Chairman Keith Veselka.
Denilson is entering his third year at Washington State University. Becoming a family physician, he aims to assist families along their health journeys. Nicholas is entering his senior year at Grand Canyon University and is on track to becoming a physical therapist specializing in prosthetics. Mauricio is pursuing a professional pilot degree at Central Washington University. He aspires to find a career in the aviation industry and is looking forward to this year to complete his instrument rating – fun but challenging.
Each year, the WAEF luncheon brings together students, donors, parents, volunteers, and supporters to celebrate industry philanthropy and its impacts on these students' lives. WAEF honored over 339 tree fruit industry scholarship recipients at this year's luncheon and recognized the 75 recent graduates from 2023. One of the recent graduates honored was Carli Short, a former Superfresh Growers WAEF recipient. Carli is currently working at Chair 10 in Seattle, utilizing her Marketing degree. Two other recent graduates spoke at the luncheon to tell their stories and journey. One of the speakers, Raul Villanueva, also documented his journey here:
Students Mauricio Hernandez and Nicholas Jacoby with Chairmen Keith Veselka.
Keith Veselka, WAEF Chairmen, spoke proudly of all the students. “I hope to continue WAEF's growth over the past 30 years. WAEF has become a tremendous asset to the future. We are creating independent thinkers, lifelong learners, and future leaders. Embrace each challenge as an opportunity to grow. We believe in you and cannot wait to see your impact on the world.”
Superfresh Growers congratulates Nicholas, Mauricio, Denilson, and Aylin as they continue their journeys through higher education!