For over 125 years, Superfresh Growers has not only cultivated the lands of Eastern Washington but also invested in and cultivated the community that surrounds us. We are deeply involved with our community and look to support efforts for education, hunger, and health within our community.
Local community youth center, The Madison House, run by the Union Gospel Mission, offers summer and after-school programs that provide a safe haven for youth to help guide them through their educational and emotional lives. A legacy of giving time and financial support runs deep with the Superfresh Growers team. Many of our staff also donate their own time throughout the year to help support Madison House, as well as other programs in our community.
The Yakima Greenway Foundation has successfully created miles of walking/biking pathways around the perimeter of the city of Yakima.
An additional pathway connecting Yakima to the city of Naches by following abandoned railway beds was made possible through the mile-long pathway of land that was donated by Superfresh Growers.
Superfresh Growers is committed to developing employee’s potential and partners with the University of Washington’s Foster School of Business to offer a free Business Certificate Program to the Yakima Valley. Working collaboratively with university staff, we helped craft the curriculum to gear it toward building employee leadership and business skills. This program is now being offered multiple times a year in Yakima and is open to all business associates throughout the community.
In collaboration with the Washington Apple Education Fund (WAEF), Superfresh Growers annually awards up to $25,000 in scholarships to employees and their children to assist them in furthering their education.
We also encourage education by enrolling our field staff in classes that cover subjects such as food safety, supervisory techniques, and language skills.
Civic Responsibility
As an industry leader in growing and shipping fruit to all points across the globe, we are actively engaged in the processes that enable free market access for fruit grown in Washington State. The policies enacted by domestic and international governing bodies affect how we do business with our partners around the world.
We remain engaged in efforts to improve the environment and the economy of the areas where we grow fruit, families and communities.
Further, we are drivers in the local organizations that help guide growers, packers, and shippers in their business decisions. We are involved with Yakima Valley Growers Shippers, Washington Apple Commission, US Apple Association, and Yakima Basin (Water) Storage Alliance, among others. Involvement in these organizations help ensure that we have a voice in the future success of the fruit industry in Eastern Washington.